Woodlice, pillbugs, isopods


Isopods are among the largest parasites that can make a fish's life difficult. They can grow up to 3 cm and attach themselves to a fish from the outside. There are ectoparasitic species that infest the fish from the outside and endoparasitic species that live in the fish as a host. In this case, the isopods can only be recognised by a small opening in the fish's skin through which they obtain breathing water. Isopods can be found in cold water fish in ponds, in salt water, but less so in warm water fish from the Amazon region.



Prior to use of medication, remove any activated carbon from the filter, switch off UV-C appliances, ozone devices, copper and hydrochloric acid dosing devices if present. Aerate the garden pond during the treatment. Filter during the treatment. We recommend cleaning the filter prior to use of medication. During the treatment continue feeding the fish. You can apply a 10 to 30 minute bath to the fish in 10 mg per liter of potassium permanganate

After treatment


After the treatment, please filter the garden pond for 48 hours using activated carbon to remove the residues of medication. Afterwards the activated carbon should be duly discarded. After that please change 30 % of the water. Never dispose the pond water into open water or let it trickle away. Always discharge it into the sewage system. The addition of a bacterial starter to the pond water helps to replace any purifying bacteria which may have been affected.

Possible medication:

Possible helper solutions:

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