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Gill worms, Dactylogyrus, monogenetic flukes

Gill worms, Dactylogyrus, monogenetic flukes
Gill worms, Dactylogyrus, monogenetic flukes
Gill worms, Dactylogyrus, monogenetic flukes
Gill worms, Dactylogyrus, monogenetic flukes
  • rapid breathing
  • splayed gill covers
  • apathy
  • loss of color
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Gill rot (Branchiomyces)

Gill rot (Branchiomyces)
Gill rot (Branchiomyces)
Gill rot (Branchiomyces)
Gill rot (Branchiomyces)
  • the fish become lethargic
  • the fish seem to suffocate and desperately try to swallow the air from the water surface
  • the gills look faded, having alternating areas with necrosis and with healthy tissues
  • the skin color becomes bluish due to hypoxia
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